Resume... of sorts

countries visited: australia, austria, belize, cambodia, canada, czech republic, england, france, greece, guatemala, hungary, india, italy, mexico, new zealand, spain, thailand, turkey, vietnam

national parks hiked: arches, bryce, canyonlands, death valley, grand canyon, rocky mountain, pinnacles, redwood, sequoia, yosemite, zion

paychecks: mostly from Google. ecomm analytics, growth experimentation, data science, program management, restaurateur.

passions: photography (digital & darkroom), bonsai, hard core biking, japanese horitculture, artful plant arrangements, video editing, public speaking, reading great books, stand-up comedy, skiing, watching auteur-directed films, having strong opinions.

alma mater: university of michigan

degree: philosophy (arguably the most useful liberal arts degree obtainable)

photographer. analyst.

Plant enthusiast.

photography, cycling, bonsai & plants are my personal passions.

analytics & experimentation are my professional passion.

you're welcome to contact me via the form below or linkedin or instagram.